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Philodendron mamei

André, Édouard-François Publicado en: Revue Horticole (París) 1883: 104. 1883.

Precio original $17.00 - Precio original $17.00
Precio original
$17.00 - $17.00
Precio actual $17.00

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Cultivo del filodendro mamei

Para cultivar con éxito el llamativo Philodendron mamei es necesario comprender sus necesidades específicas. A continuación, se ofrecen algunos consejos culturales clave para garantizar su crecimiento próspero:

Luz: El filodendro mamei crece bien con luz indirecta y brillante. La luz solar directa puede quemar sus hojas, por lo que la luz filtrada, como la que se obtiene a través de una cortina de luz, es ideal.

Temperatura: Imita su ambiente cálido y tropical manteniendo temperaturas diurnas entre 18 y 27 °C (65 y 80 °F) y temperaturas nocturnas alrededor de 16 y 21 °C (60 y 70 °F).

Humedad: La humedad alta es esencial para el Philodendron mamei. Procura que los niveles estén entre el 60 y el 80 %. Los humidificadores, las bandejas de guijarros y la pulverización regular pueden ayudar a mantener estas condiciones.

Riego: Mantenga la tierra constantemente húmeda pero bien drenada. Riegue con frecuencia pero con moderación, asegurando un drenaje excelente para evitar la pudrición de las raíces.

Hábitat: El filodendro mamei crece naturalmente en selvas tropicales, donde crece en tierra o, ocasionalmente, trepando árboles. Prefiere materia orgánica rica en sustratos con buen drenaje.

Customer Reviews

Based on 118 reviews
Jamie Curry

Shipped ok. Spider Mites magnet. The plant is doing ok but spider mites is really impacting its ability to take off and do well. Not a direct reflection of Ecuagenera. Issue is with this plant.

Johan Ferrer

Small, like 1/3 of the picture!

Johan Ferrer

Plant is alive, no yellow leaves but SMALL, like 4-5 inches for the biggest leaf. I asked customer service and he said this is the usual size of the plants they said. Quite disappointing.

Abby North

The plant I received was very, very small, which is disappointing considering I ordered the full-size mamei and not the medium or the seedling. Roots were pretty good, just needed a little bit of trimming. Lost a couple of leaves, but nothing out of the ordinary. Seems to be doing really well now that itís acclimated. Just wish it was the size I expected :(

Abby North

The plant I received was very, very small, which is disappointing considering I ordered the full-size mamei and not the medium or the seedling. Roots were pretty good, just needed a little bit of trimming. Lost a couple of leaves, but nothing out of the ordinary. Seems to be doing really well now that it’s acclimated. Just wish it was the size I expected :(