Phragmipedium besseae
Delivery time (We ship worldwide!)
Shipping frequency varies by country, with weekly dispatches to the USA and Europe. Order pickup available at upcoming events
Dodson & Kuhn 1981
Delivery time (We ship worldwide!)
Shipping frequency varies by country, with weekly dispatches to the USA and Europe. Order pickup available at upcoming events
Phragmipedium besseae Culture
In Ecuador, we have five known habitats for this species, and they are situated at different altitudes, starting at 1,000 meters above sea level and going up to 1,900 meters.
To successfully cultivate the stunning Phragmipedium besseae, follow these key tips for optimal growth:
Light: Bright, indirect light is perfect for Phragmipedium besseae. Ensure it gets filtered sunlight to protect its delicate leaves from direct sun exposure.
Temperature: Aim for daytime temperatures between 18-24°C (65-75°F) with cooler nights around 10-15°C (50-59°F) to replicate its natural habitat.
Humidity: Maintain high humidity levels of 50-70%. Using humidifiers or placing the plant on humidity trays can help achieve this environment.
Watering: Keep the substrate consistently moist but well-drained to avoid waterlogging. Regular, even watering is key to its health.
Perfect condition, great plant, thanks to Ecuagenera! onkly two leaves are folded in half due to packaging or travel but nothing serious. Two new vegetations are present, a division likely as early as 2023!
Received it all black in color and dead
Die bessae war die einzige von 4 Pflanzen, wo es vielleicht noch steigerungsmˆglichkeiten gibt. Das Laub der Pflanze sieht ein wenig gelitten aus. Daf¸r hatte sie die besten Wurzeln. Auch sie hat sich sehr schnell an die neuen Verh‰ltnisse gewˆhnt und nach wenigen Tagen macht sie bereits Neutriebe.
Die bessae war die einzige von 4 Pflanzen, wo es vielleicht noch steigerungsmöglichkeiten gibt. Das Laub der Pflanze sieht ein wenig gelitten aus. Dafür hatte sie die besten Wurzeln. Auch sie hat sich sehr schnell an die neuen Verhältnisse gewöhnt und nach wenigen Tagen macht sie bereits Neutriebe.
Came in Europe/Sweden in perfect condition. Nice size, excellent plant. Perfect packed !