The Orchidaceae family, or orchids, is one of the largest and most diverse plant families in the world, known for their intricate and exotic flowers. Orchids are admired for their beauty and variety, with species exhibiting a stunning array of shapes, sizes, and colors. These plants are incredibly adaptable, thriving in diverse environments from tropical rainforests to arid deserts.
Habitat: Orchids can be found in a wide range of habitats. Many species grow as epiphytes, clinging to trees in the humid canopies of tropical rainforests, where they capture moisture and nutrients from the air. Others thrive in temperate regions, growing in the ground or on rocks. Some orchids have even adapted to survive in harsh, dry environments, making them one of the most versatile plant families. Their ability to adapt to various climates and conditions contributes to their widespread distribution and ecological success.
Cattlianthe Andean Honey
Cattlianthe Andean Honey 'Pangui' x Rlc. Shinfong Unique
Cattlianthe Anton
Cattlianthe Burning Star
Cattlianthe Chloris
Cattlianthe Chloris f. coerulea
Cattlianthe Dave's Lasting Friendship x Slc. Fire Magic Solar Flame
Cattlianthe India Rose Sherwood 'kiilani'
Cattlianthe Jardin del Azuay
Cattlianthe Jeweler's Gem
Cattlianthe Kiat Tan
Cattlianthe Little Irene
Cattlianthe Memoria Carlos Velasquez
Cattlianthe Michael Riley
Cattlianthe Rubencito
Cattlianthe Tayos
Cattlianthe Trick or Treat H00642 x L. harpophylla
Cattlianthe Vito Munoz
Cattlianthe Vito Munoz x Sophrocattleya Chester Great
Catyclia Betsy Portilla
3.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
Catyclia Hawaiian Rose
Catyclia Maureen Shank
Catyclia Walnut Valley Purple Star
Caucaea Ecuagenera
Caucaea hirtzii
Caucaea macrotyle
Caucaea nubigena
4.82 / 5.0
11 Reviews
Caucaea nubigena
Caucaea nubigenena alba
Caucaea olivacea
Caucaea portillae
Caucaea radiata
Caucaea sanguinolenta
Caucidium Memoria Maria Bani
Ceratocentron fesselii
Ceratostylis pristina
Ceratostylis retisquama
5.0 / 5.0
1 Review